
On the occasion of the presentation of Cycloïde Piazza, his skatable sculpture in the Piazza at the Centre Pompidou, artist Raphaël Zarka talks about his relationship with architecture and skateboarding.


At the crossroads of culture and sport, the Cycloïde Piazza, designed in collaboration with Jean-Benoît Vétillard, is an opportunity for amateur and professional skateboarders to experiment with the laws and curves of classical mechanics through the practice and spectacle of skateboarding. Like a mini public square set in the Centre Pompidou's large Piazza, it is embellished with bleachers and staircases. It's a meeting place for urban sociability, where skate culture extends to music, clothes, looks and body postures.


Raphaël Zarka in discussion with Jean-Pierre Criqui (curator at the Centre Pompidou), Nina Leger (writer) and Helen Wyss (architect).


Wednesday, July 3rd from 7pm to 9pm

Petite salle, level -1


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June 21, 2024